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Nährwerte pro 100g (oder 100 ml)
Energie kJ / kcal 353 kcal
Fett 2,6 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,2 g
Kohlenhydrate 64,0 g
davon Zucker 1,7 g
Eiweiß 14,2 g
Salz 0,008 g
Rohkostqualität, vegetarisch, vegan,
Vollkornmehl für Vollkornbrot, Brötchen und vollwertige Kuchen mit fein nussigem Dinkel-Geschmack
Preisangaben inkl. MwSt.
3.99€/1kg , 3.99€/1 kg
Rohkostqualität, Gluten, Pfandartikel Stück, vegetarisch, vegan, Energie kJ / kcal, Fett, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren, Kohlenhydrate, davon Zucker, Eiweiß, Salz
Vollkornmehl für Vollkornbrot, Brötchen und vollwertige Kuchen mit fein nussigem Dinkel-Geschmack
3.99€/1 kg


Dinkel-Vollkornmehl, demeter

We use the best Demeter spelt for our wholemeal spelt flour. In our own mill, the grain is ground in several stages with the greatest care and sensitivity to produce this wholesome flour, which contains all the valuable components of the grain. It is particularly suitable for wholesome baked goods such as bread and rolls, savory cakes or quiches.   Spelt tastes delicately nutty and is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and high-quality protein - a real local superfood. With the start of the organic movement, spelt was rediscovered as an unadulterated ancient grain. Until the Middle Ages, it was considered the most important bread grain. It was only with the intensification of agriculture and the increased use of artificial fertilizers that the grain fell into oblivion. There was a very simple reason for this: unlike wheat, spelt hardly reacts to the application of nitrogen fertilizer with an increase in yield. In organic farming, however, the positive properties of the grain are appreciated. In addition to its fine nutty taste and better digestibility, spelt is characterized by the fact that it also thrives in areas with high rainfall and at higher altitudes. Protected by firm husks, the grains are also less susceptible to fungal diseases. Spelt has similar baking properties to wheat and can therefore replace it in all recipes. However, it has a softer gluten. The leavening times should therefore be carefully observed, especially for yeast doughs made from spelt.    Are you wondering what makes the difference between an industrial mill and a craft business like Spielberger Mühle? First and foremost, it's the people who work here with great care. Because our mill is not a computer-controlled, food technology process machine - the mill cannot grind without people. Of course, there is also pumping, conveying, brushing, grinding and milling. With machines and noise and precisely controlled processes. But in our artisan mills, this is not automated and standardized. The millers work with manual skill and a great deal of sensitivity to control this elaborate, complex milling process. In order to obtain flour of first-class quality, they use all of their senses: the millers can feel whether the mill is running properly from the vibrations in the building. They hear even the slightest deviation from the target. They check the quality with their hands, eyes and nose. They feel and see whether the flour has the right structure. The aromatic smell tells them whether the work has been successful.
Wholemeal spelt flour can be used for all wholesome baked goods such as bread and rolls, savory cakes or quiches; Recipe: Wholemeal spelt bread: Ingredients: 500 g wholemeal spelt flour, 10 g salt, 10 g fresh yeast, 350 ml water (lukewarm); Preparation: Knead the wholemeal spelt flour with the remaining ingredients in a bowl to form a dough, cover and leave to rise in a warm place for approx. 60 minutes. Then knead again, shape into a long loaf and place in a greased baking tin. Cover and leave to rise in a warm place for a further 30-45 minutes. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Brush the bread with a little water and bake on the middle shelf for approx. 45 minutes.

Herstellung in Deutschland .
Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Deutschland , Österreich , Litauen , Polen , Tschechien
Herkunft landwirtschaftliche Zutaten
DE-ÖKO-007 (Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH)
EU Bio-Siegel
Verband und Kontrolle
Demeter (DD)


Kühl und trocken lagern.
Mehle und Teige sind nicht zum Rohverzehr bestimmt und müssen gut durcherhitzt werden.


Spielberger GmbH

Marke Spielberger Mühle



DINKEL-Vollkornmehl** (eine Ur-Weizenart)
**aus biodynamischer Erzeugung


Vegan Vegetarisch Rohkost 40


Laut Rezeptur enthalten
Dinkel , Glutenhaltiges Getreide

Durchschn. Nährwerte

pro 100 g:
Energie Fett gesättigte Fettsäuren Kohlenhydrate Zucker Ballaststoffe Eiweiss Salz
1496 kJ = 357 kcal 3.6g 0.5g 63.7g 3.9g 8.3g 12.7g <0.01g


Nettofüllmenge: 1.0 Kilogramm (kg)

Last-Update: 7/16/24 5:35 AM / Dinkelmehl VK / 8776e29e-5b23-4ad2-b391-592ed95bd599 / Version: 1