Polsterstudentenblume - Blumen (Saatgut)
Small-flowered marigold with bright orange flowers and an aromatic fragrance. It flowers tirelessly from June to October in a sunny to semi-shady position. Tagetes works best when planted in groups. It is best grown in flower pots and planted from May onwards in 40 x 40 cm containers "TIP": Tagetes repel plant-damaging aphids - so they are very useful between vegetable crops, forming a dense carpet of flowers when sown over a large area. Remove the foremost flowers regularly: the plants will then flower even more abundantly.
Sowing: Beginning to end of May Flowering from beginning of July to end of OctoberContent is sufficient for approx. 150 plants. Plant height: 30 - 40 cm, planting distance 20 x 20 cm.please store seeds in a dry, cool and dark place! seeds not suitable for consumption.
Herstellung in Deutschland
- Zertifizierung
EU Bio-Siegel
- Verband und Kontrolle
Demeter (DD)
- Züchtungsmethode
samenfeste Sorte
Bingenheimer Saatgut AG
Marke Bingenheimer Saatgut
1.0 Stück (Stück)
Last-Update: 11/21/24, 11:07 PM /
Polsterstudentenbl. / 4b4e597b-ac59-4afb-a5ad-46269506db16 /
Version: 1