Best friends bubble boat When the bubble boat chugs across Lake Wannen - Oops, is there magic involved? As soon as one corner of the bubble boat is cut off, it chugs off into the warm lake all by itself. How does that work? Quite simply and yet ingeniously: the incoming water activates sodium bicarbonate and tartaric acid. These react to form carbonic acid and start the bubbling process! Want to bet that even the biggest bathing fanatic will be impressed by this trick? The judges of the German Packaging Award were, because they honored our product in the Design & Refinement category. Sincere thanks for that! But the story of the bubble boat doesn't end there. Because before it is launched into the water, mom or dad can tell the encouraging story of MöweMia. She has been training hard at the flying school. Now she is about to take her first solo flight. Will she make it? Definitely, because her BEST FRIENDS, Heini the shark, the Flosse family and the funny little starfish, are really cheering her on.
Fill the bathtub with age-appropriate temperature water. Open the bubble boat at the marked line, straighten the fin and briefly submerge the boat completely under water before letting it float on the surface. The bubble drive is started with the incoming water and the boat picks up speed comfortably. Bathing temperature: 35 - 38° C Bathing time: 15 - 20 minutes
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Last-Update: 11/26/24, 8:44 PM /
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