ÖMA L'amour Rouge d'Antoine (Nachf.),Biol. - Theke
ÖMA L'amour Rouge d'Antoine - a resounding name for the masterpiece of our Zurwieser veteran Anton Holzinger. The dream of all soft cheese lovers, creamy in texture and creamy and hearty in taste. Cultivation with red cultures gives this organic cheese made from hay milk with a TSG label its characterful note. In addition to its outstanding quality, ÖMA L'amour Rouge d'Antoine impresses with its unusual square shape and decorative packaging, and for interested customers and cheese lovers there is background information and stories about the cheese, the farmers and the dairy. The ÖMA Zurwies dairy is located in a small hamlet near the small town of Wangen in the Allgäu. Founded in 1899 as a soft cheese dairy with typical Allgäu varieties, it was converted into an Emmental cheese dairy in 1906. After the artisanal operation had to make way for industrial production, the old virtues were recalled more than 20 years ago and a small, artisanal soft cheese factory was rebuilt at the Zurwies site. Since then, the specialties of master cheesemaker Anton Holzinger have become an integral part of the health food trade. With daughter Lissy, another master cheesemaker has joined the dairy as a guarantor for the continuation of the traditional Allgäu art of cheese making. The production of such a high-quality product depends not only on a skilled hand and a great deal of experience, but above all on the raw materials used. Only the best organic hay milk from the region is used for Zurwieser products. Every day, the fresh milk is collected by milk truck from the 21 supplier farmers, whose farms are located within a maximum radius of 20 km around the dairy, and processed directly. In addition to the cow's milk soft cheese specialties, Anton Holzinger also cheeses soft goat's cheese. The milk for this comes directly from a neighboring goat farmer and is then cheesed into delicious delicacies in the dairy. This is regionality in the truest sense of the word.
Creamy and spicy, our ÖMA L'amour Rouge is a classic and a must for breakfast (only the toughest get into the garden), brunch and dinner. Simply unrivaled deliciousness!
Herstellung in Deutschland
, Allgäu
- Herkunft landwirtschaftliche Zutaten
- Herkunftsland
- Zertifizierung
EU Bio-Siegel
- Verband und Kontrolle
Bioland (DB)
- Bio-Kontrollstelle
- Aufbewahrungs/Verwendungshinweise
Unsere Weichkäse mit Rotkultur sollten vor dem Verzehr ca. 1 h Zimmertemperatur genießen dürfen. Sie lagern bestenfalls im unteren Bereich des Kühlschranks bei ca. 4-6°C in ÖMA Käsepapier (Käsepapier immer für das selbe Stück Käse verwenden).
ÖMA Beer GmbH - Ökologische Molkereien Allgäu
88161 Lindenberg,
info@oema.de 4983818890100
Marke ÖMA
KUHMILCH*, Speisesalz, Milchsäurekulturen, mikrobielles Lab
*aus kontrolliert ökologischer Erzeugung
Ohne Schweinefleisch
Ohne Rindfleisch
- Laut Rezeptur enthalten
Doppelrahmstufe (DE)
Reifezeit 14 Tag(e)
, rindengereift
Weichkäse (DE)
Fettgehalt in Trockenmasse: gleich 60 %
- Labart
Mikrobieller Labaustauschstoff
- Rinde
Rotschmiere verzehrbar
- Salzart
- Tierart
- Wärmebehandlung
mit pasteurisierter Milch hergestellt
Durchschn. Nährwerte
pro 100 g:
Energie |
Fett |
gesättigte Fettsäuren |
Kohlenhydrate |
Zucker |
Eiweiss |
Salz |
1510 kJ
355 kcal
30.0g |
18.0g |
<0.1g |
<0.1g |
17.0g |
1.6g |
3.0 Kilogramm (kg)
kein Pfand
Last-Update: 11/19/24, 3:33 AM /
L'AMOUR ROUG / e20255f7-adf3-434b-b558-828b4b8dd0c8 /
Version: 1