Mehlmix universal, glutenfrei
The rice, maize and guar gum used in this flour mix are naturally gluten-free. To ensure that the gluten content of our gluten-free flour mix is guaranteed to be below 20 ppm (20 mg/kg) gluten, it is kept carefully separate from all gluten-containing products and analyzed several times. To achieve this, we ensure strictly separate product flows and separate production lines in our mill. The products only leave our premises once the last analysis has confirmed that they are gluten-free. We use glassine paper as an ecological and safe packaging solution for our gluten-free products. This is very dense and has a grease barrier. We use a complete inner bag made of this paper for our bags for gluten-free products. It offers sufficient protection against subsequent contamination. Because it is made of 100% paper, it can be easily disposed of with the waste paper. Our universal flour mix is a balanced blend of wholemeal rice flour, maize flour and maize starch. The mixture contains little starch and therefore has a particularly round taste. It is suitable for a variety of light-colored baked goods. Thanks to the guar gum it contains as a binding agent, our mix can offer an alternative to flours containing gluten when baking.
This balanced mix of gluten-free flours is suitable for a variety of light-colored pastries; Basic recipe: gluten-free shortcrust pastry: Ingredients: 220 g gluten-free flour mixUniversal, 1/2 teaspoon psyllium husks, 60 g fine raw cane sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 90 g butter, 1 egg, 1 egg yolk; Preparation: Sift the flour into a bowl. Mix in the psyllium husks, sugar and salt. Add the eggs and the butter cut into pieces and knead quickly to form a dough that is not too firm; leave the dough to rest in the fridge for 1 hour before further processing. Suitable as a base for cakes and for cookie cutters.
Herstellung in Deutschland
- Herkunft landwirtschaftliche Zutaten
- Zertifizierung
Deutsche Zöliakie Gesellschaft e.V. / AOECS (Association of European Coeliac Societies)
EU Bio-Siegel
- Verband und Kontrolle
Demeter (DD)
- Bio-Kontrollstelle
- Aufbewahrungs/Verwendungshinweise
Kühl und trocken lagern.
- Verarbeitungshinweise
Grundrezept glutenfreier Mürbeteig
220 g SPIELBERGER Mehlmix universal, - TL Flohsamenschalen, 60 g feiner Rohrohrzucker, 1 Prise Salz, 90 g Butter, 1 Ei, 1 Eigelb
Mehl in eine Schüssel sieben. Flohsamenschalen, Zucker und Salz untermischen. Eier und die in Stücke geschnittene Butter dazu geben und alles rasch zu einem nicht zu festen Teig verkneten. Den Teig vor dem Weiterverarbeiten 1 Stunde im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen. Eignet sich als Boden für Kuchen und für Ausstecher.
Mehle und Teige sind nicht zum Rohverzehr bestimmt und müssen gut durcherhitzt werden.
Spielberger GmbH
Marke Spielberger Mühle
Reis-Vollkornmehl**, Maismehl**, Maisstärke*, Guarkernmehl *
**aus biodynamischer Erzeugung
Ja, laut Verpackungsdeklaration
Durchschn. Nährwerte
pro 100 g:
Energie |
Fett |
gesättigte Fettsäuren |
Kohlenhydrate |
Zucker |
Ballaststoffe |
Eiweiss |
Salz |
1477 kJ
353 kcal
1.4g |
0.2g |
74.8g |
0.6g |
5.6g |
6.4g |
<0.01g |
500.0 Gramm (g)
Last-Update: 11/22/24, 8:04 AM /
Mehlmix universal, gf. / cc2bd857-6ccb-4333-97a7-9a278efe7186 /
Version: 1