zur Warengruppe Müsli, Flocken, Pops & Brei

Kinder Müsli Mond & Sterne

Kinder Müsli Mond & Sterne
Lecker knusprig, fein schokoladig und dank Vollkorn-Flocken auch gesund. Mit besten Haferflocken aus unserer eigenen Flockenmühle.
Preisangaben inkl. MwSt.
Lecker knusprig, fein schokoladig und dank Vollkorn-Flocken auch gesund. Mit besten Haferflocken aus unserer eigenen Flockenmühle.
Kinder Müsli Mond & Sterne
3.79€/375 g


Mond und Sterne Kindermüsli, demeter

Whether children or adults - getting up is fun with our Moon & Stars muesli! In the form of crunchy cocoa stars, moons and chocolate drops, a good mood tumbles into the muesli bowl. Plus wholesome oat flakes from our own flake mill. Crunchy oats, puffed spelt and flakes crunch deliciously in the mouth. A muesli for young and old and for everyone who wants a tasty and healthy start to the day.  Can muesli save the world?  Well, maybe not on its own, but it can help. Just as you can make a small contribution every day. Because every small step in the right direction counts. Our Weltretterbande muesli is organic, fair and, with its 100% paper packaging, a real little eco-friendly product. But we want to do even more, because we want to give all children a future on our planet. That's why we support the Weltretterbande and their valuable work.  The Weltretterbande is a non-profit organization and offers workshops on the important ecological issues of our time. Polli, the little polar bear, takes children on exciting journeys in a playful way and gets even the youngest children involved. They learn that no one is too small to make a big difference. The aim is to develop a mindful awareness of nature, others and themselves from an early age. This is the only way we can all change the world for the better! Spielberger Mühle shares the Weltretterbande's vision of giving our children a future worth living. Because only organic farming secures our livelihood and protects the habitat of animals at the same time.   More about the Weltretterbande at
Preparation: Our Moon & Stars children's muesli can be eaten without cooking or soaking. Simply mix with yogurt, milk, plant-based alternatives or juice and enjoy warm or cold. Refine with fresh fruit, nut butter, jam or spices as desired. For the future of our children!

Herstellung in Deutschland .
Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Deutschland , Belgien , Europäische Union
Herkunft landwirtschaftliche Zutaten
DE-ÖKO-007 (Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH)
EU Bio-Siegel
Verband und Kontrolle
Demeter (DD)


Kühl und trocken lagern!


Spielberger GmbH

Marke Spielberger Mühle


enthält Süßungsmittel: Rohrzucker Vollrohrzucker

HAFERflocken** 54%, Kakao-Monde* und -Sterne* 14% (WEIZENvollkornmehl*, WEIZENmehl*, Vollrohrzucker*, Kakaopulver*, Honig*, Meersalz, Bourbon Vanille*), Schokodrops* 6% (Kakaomasse*, Rohrzucker*, Kakaobutter*, Vanillepulver*), DINKEL gepufft* 7%, DINKELflakes** 7% (DINKELweizen**, Meersalz*), Cornflakes** 6% (Mais**, Honig*, Meersalz*, Gerstenmalzextrakt**), HAFER Crunchy* 6% [HAFERvollkornflocken* 66%, Reissirup*, Sonnenblumenöl*, Reisextrudat* (Reismehl*,GERSTENmalzmehl*, Meersalz)]Dinkel ist eine Ur-Weizenart.
**aus biodynamischer Erzeugung


Vegan Vegetarisch


Laut Rezeptur enthalten
Dinkel , Glutenhaltiges Getreide , Hafer

Durchschn. Nährwerte

pro 100 g:
Energie Fett gesättigte Fettsäuren Kohlenhydrate Zucker Ballaststoffe Eiweiss Salz
1615 kJ = 385 kcal 7.4g 2.2g 63.7g 7.6g 8.6g 11.9g 0.3g


Nettofüllmenge: 375.0 Gramm (g)

Last-Update: 7/17/24 4:11 AM / Mond und Sterne Müsli / 5b80adf9-0b7c-441e-b86b-20fa485b0099 / Version: 1