zur Warengruppe Nudeln & Reis

Risottoreis Carnaroli weiß 500g

Risottoreis Carnaroli weiß 500g
Spielberger Mühle
Nährwerte pro 100g (oder 100 ml)
Energie kJ / kcal 349 kcal
Fett 0,5 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,1 g
Kohlenhydrate 80,0 g
davon Zucker 0,5 g
Eiweiß 6,7 g
Salz 0,01 g
Rohkostqualität, vegan, vegetarisch,
Leckerer Risottoreis der Sorte Carnaroli aus Italien für einzigartig cremiges Risotto mit einem bissfesten Kern
Preisangaben inkl. MwSt.
9,98€/1kg , 4.99€/Stück
Rohkostqualität, vegan, vegetarisch, Energie kJ / kcal, Fett, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren, Kohlenhydrate, davon Zucker, Eiweiß, Salz
Leckerer Risottoreis der Sorte Carnaroli aus Italien für einzigartig cremiges Risotto mit einem bissfesten Kern
Risottoreis Carnaroli weiß 500g

Spielberger Mühle


Risottoreis Carnaroli, weiß, kbA

Our Carnaroli risotto rice is grown by partner farmers in Italy and is cleaned and hulled after harvesting. The so-called silver skin, which surrounds the rice grain, is then gently polished off.  Our Carnaroli risotto rice is considered the best variety for risotto and is also used in top gastronomy. Carnaroli is a medium-grain rice, the grains are between 6 and 7 mm long. As Carnaroli has a relatively low yield per hectare, it is more unusual and rarer to find. In 1945, this rice variety was crossed from an Italian and a Japanese rice variety.Carnaroli becomes uniquely creamy, but remains nice and al dente at the core - and longer than other varieties. Its cooking stability is the result of a balanced relationship between water absorption capacity and the slow release of starch during cooking.Carnaroli is the right variety for anyone who likes a risotto like a top chef's, with a nice al dente core.   Not only the cultivation, but also the packaging for our rice is ecological. It is based 100% on the renewable raw material wood from European forests. Combined with water-based printing inks, our packaging is completely free of mineral oil. It can be completely collected in waste paper and 100% recycled. We close the paper cycle by offsetting the paper consumption for our packaging and giving something back to nature. Through a long-term partnership with Bergwaldprojekt e.V., we finance the planting of trees in our local forests and the maintenance and preservation of the existing forest every year in accordance with the paper requirements for our packaging. The latter enables the forest to rejuvenate naturally - i.e. new trees grow and the forest thrives.
Our Carnaroli risotto rice produces a uniquely creamy risotto, but stays nice and al dente at the core - and longer than other varieties. Basic risotto recipe: Prepare 600 ml stock (vegetable or meat) and heat. Sauté 200 g rice in a little oil until translucent. Deglaze with some of the vegetable stock so that the rice is covered. Simmer over a low heat. Once the liquid has been absorbed, add more hot stock, stirring occasionally. Repeat this process until the liquid has been used up and the rice is cooked. Fold in grated Parmesan to taste; Recipe: Risotto con Funghi:Ingredients: 20 g dried porcini mushrooms, 1 onion, 60 g butter, 3 bay leaves, 300 g risotto rice, 1/4 l white wine, 3/4 l vegetable stock, salt, freshly ground pepper, 450 g mixed mushrooms, 1 tbsp olive oil, 80 g freshly grated Parmesan; Preparation: Soak the dried porcini mushrooms in 6 tablespoons of water for at least 1 hour.  Peel and finely dice the onion. Melt the butter in a pan with high sides, then sauté the onion cubes and bay leaves in the hot butter. Now add the rice and turn until the rice is coated in fat.  Add the porcini mushrooms together with the soaking liquid and the white wine and simmer, stirring constantly.  As soon as the wine has evaporated, add a ladleful of the hot vegetable stock and cook, stirring, until the rice has absorbed the liquid. Only then add another ladle of hot stock. Repeat this step until the rice is al dente.  Wash, clean and chop the mushrooms. Heat the olive oil in another pan, fry the mushrooms over a high heat and mix into the risotto.   Finally, stir in half of the Parmesan, serve and sprinkle the plates with the remaining cheese.  More delicious recipes on our website:

Herstellung in Italien .
Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Italien
Herkunft landwirtschaftliche Zutaten
DE-ÖKO-007 (Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH)
EU Bio-Siegel


Bitte kühl und trocken lagern.


Spielberger GmbH

Marke Spielberger Mühle



Risottoreis Carnaroli, weiß*
*aus kontrolliert ökologischer Erzeugung


Vegan Vegetarisch Rohkost 40

Durchschn. Nährwerte

pro 100 g:
Energie Fett gesättigte Fettsäuren Kohlenhydrate Zucker Eiweiss Salz
1482 kJ = 349 kcal <0.5g <0.1g 80.0g <0.5g 6.7g 0.01g


Nettofüllmenge: 500.0 Gramm (g)

Last-Update: 7/27/24 12:08 PM / Risottoreis Carnaroli / 10d8594c-5ac1-4bed-b429-42ab5ce3270b / Version: 1