zur Warengruppe Süßmittel,Backzutaten,Desserts

Backmischung Haferbrot gf

Backmischung Haferbrot gf
Nährwerte pro 100g (oder 100 ml)
Energie kJ / kcal 343 kcal
Fett 5,2 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,0 g
Kohlenhydrate 62,6 g
davon Zucker 1,1 g
Eiweiß 12,1 g
Salz 2,0 g
vegan, vegetarisch,
Ganz einfach selbstgebackenes Haferbrot genießen
Preisangaben inkl. MwSt.
7,58€/1kg , 3.79€/500 g
Hafer, vegan, vegetarisch, Energie kJ / kcal, Fett, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren, Kohlenhydrate, davon Zucker, Eiweiß, Salz
Ganz einfach selbstgebackenes Haferbrot genießen
Backmischung Haferbrot gf
3.79€/500 g

Haferbrot Backmischung, glutenfrei, demeter

With our baking mix, anyone can bake delicious, gluten-free bread quickly and easily. Oats are a naturally gluten-free grain and a real superfood with valuable vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, vitamin E, potassium, iron and zinc. Wholemeal bread also scores points for its high protein content and filling fiber. Oats are particularly rich in the fiber beta-glucan. This makes oats a very special superfood, as beta-glucan has a positive effect on cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Oat bread is therefore the perfect basis for a healthy breakfast and the baking mix is made using tender, gluten-free oat flakes, which are produced by hand in Spielberger Mühle's own flake mill.  The oats are kept free from contamination by cereals containing gluten, both during cultivation and processing, and are therefore guaranteed gluten-free. Even people who have to avoid gluten can tolerate these oats, as the protein structure of oats differs from that of wheat, rye, barley and spelt. This is confirmed by the gluten-free seal of the German Coeliac Society.
Add: 1 packet of dry yeast, 35 ml frying oil, 480 ml water; Preparation time: approx. 10 min; Rising time: 30 min; Baking time: approx. 55 min; Preparation: Add the dry yeast to the baking mix in a bowl and mix well. Add the water and oil and knead everything into a very sticky, soft dough using a mixer with dough hook. Leave the dough to rise and swell in a warm place for approx. 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200 °C top/bottom heat. Grease a loaf tin (25 x 11 cm) with oil and pour in the dough. Smooth the surface with wet hands and brush with oil. Fill a small, ovenproof bowl with hot water and place on the bottom of the oven. Bake the bread in the preheated oven for 50-60 minutes on the middle shelf. After 10 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 °C. The bread is ready when you hear a hollow sound when you tap the bottom of the baking tin. Remove the finished bread from the baking tin immediately and leave to cool on a rack. Can also be baked in the oven. Variations: - Sprinkle the bread with gluten-free rolled oats or seeds before baking. - Knead up to 4 tbsp of seeds into the mixed bread dough.

Herstellung in Deutschland .
Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Deutschland , Österreich , Polen , Tschechien , Ungarn
Herkunft landwirtschaftliche Zutaten
DE-ÖKO-007 (Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH)
Deutsche Zöliakie Gesellschaft e.V. / AOECS (Association of European Coeliac Societies)
EU Bio-Siegel
Verband und Kontrolle
Demeter (DD)


Bitte kühl und trocken lagern.


Spielberger GmbH
74336 Brackenheim, 49713598150
Marke Spielberger Mühle


enthält Triebsmittel
Natursauerteig HAFERflocken Zartblatt glutenfrei** 68%, Reis-Vollkornmehl** 17%, Teff-Vollkornmehl* 11%, Meersalz, Quinoasauerteig Extrakt* (Quinoa- Mahlprodukte*, Reis-Mahlprodukte*, Starterkulturen), Johannisbrotkernmehl*, Rohrohrzucker**
**aus biodynamischer Erzeugung


Ja, laut Verpackungsdeklaration Ja, ohne Verpackungsdeklaration Vegan Vegetarisch Glutenfrei Laktosefrei


Laut Rezeptur enthalten

Durchschn. Nährwerte

pro 100 g:
Energie Fett gesättigte Fettsäuren Kohlenhydrate Zucker Ballaststoffe Eiweiss Salz
1448 kJ = 343 kcal 5.2g 1.0g 62.6g 1.1g 8.7g 12.1g <2.0g


Nettofüllmenge: 500.0 Gramm (g)

Last-Update: 7/21/24 1:49 AM / Haferbrot gf Backmischung / 80377c6f-04ca-4071-9fc3-e52d14bef221 / Version: 1